The Incorruptible Seed; The Inevitable Object
Preached at a Wedding Service at the Ekklesia Temple
Preached at a Wedding Service at the Ekklesia Temple
Preached at the New Move Conference 2019
Preached at Night of Hope, at the Lighthouse Chapel International, Akim Oda.
Without Prayer, you cannot achieve mighty deeds.
If you can pray in the spirit, why don't you go ahead right now? Let the Heavens hear your voice!
Possessing the Power for Mighty Deeds. Preached at the Ekklesia Chapel
The Bible is inspired by GOD. The Bible is the source of your Wisdom. Preached at Ekklesia Chapel.
Advantages of the Saints Preached at the Ekklesia Chapel.
There is a handwriting on the Wall. Preached at Ekklesia Chapel
School of Timothy is our annual in-house Training for Church Leaders & Workers. This year's session capitalizes on three key areas, namely