Pray for Revival

If you can pray in the spirit, why don't you go ahead right now? Let the Heavens hear your voice!  

Pray for Revival2019-09-14T16:22:31+00:00

School of Timothy 2019

School of Timothy is our annual in-house Training for Church Leaders & Workers. This year's session capitalizes on three key areas, namely

School of Timothy 20192019-07-16T12:43:26+00:00

Advancing The Kingdom By Prayer

"Child of God, Prayer is not an option. Prayer breaks you through and brings you through. Prayer causes you to glow. When

Advancing The Kingdom By Prayer2019-07-09T14:03:50+00:00

Increasing Your Most Holy Faith

"Faith can be evidenced in your confessions, attitude, reactions, and more." Listen to Rev. David Adu-Gyamfi, as he expounds the subject of

Increasing Your Most Holy Faith2019-07-05T07:54:23+00:00